Create your trip for free

Hosting a group trip doesnt have to be complicated.

With Powered by Whim, you can start accepting deposits in minutes.

How It Works

It Works

Build your trip page

Customize and publish a professional online trip registration page. When ready, copy our checkout URL and add a link to your website. Need a website? Use our free templates.

Promote your trip

Use powerful event promotion tools to raise awareness and increase attendance.

Manage your trip

Track attendees and payments through our charts and graphs. Save time and stay organized.

Sell out your trip

Automatically transfer funds to your account daily with Stripe so that you can collect money directly to your bank account. Offer Payment Plans, Set up Promo Codes and Waitlists to create the perfect travel package and sell out faster.

group trips

Automatic monthly
payment plans

No more spreasheets
paypal & venmo



Payment Plans

Your travelers can enroll in monthly payment plans. No need to chase down payments; they'll be taken automatically each month like clockwork.

Create a trip page in minutes and start collecting deposits.

Running a business is hard enough. Manage reservations on a platform built for group trips.

Track all your receipts in one place. Search for receipts for any traveler by name or email address.

Cancellations are a part of any travel business. Cancel and refund payments with ease and keep track of who’s cancelled.

  • Make a payment anytime
  • Edit registration information
  • Edit payment information
  • Advertise your other trips to your loyal customers

Capture important data when your travelers register.

Click here to view our full feature list.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the costs associated?

Powered by Whim is free to use. Your customers pay a 10% processing fee at checkout

Youll create a Stripe account. When your customers make a payment on our website, the funds will be processed on your stripe account and sent to your bank account.

You can receive funds instantly to your bank account, for free! Click here to fill out our form to sign up and get a free account now.

We're born & raised in Brooklyn! Our office is in the heart of NYC, Downtown Brooklyn.

Click here to email us directly about any booking concerns.